Saturday, August 5, 2006

Synergy -- or sometimes that pile of parts comes in handy.

Sometimes all that crap in my basement comes in handy.
I went into REI to get some camping stuff. They were having their "garage sale", which basically is a bunch of broken stuff cheap.  They had a nice Blackburn floor pump with a built-in gage for $10.
The problem was that the head was broken, making the pump useless. I remembered I had kept the hose and head off an old pump. I had once fixed that old pump by getting one of those pump repair kits that comes with the appropriate hardware (e.g. fitting and hose clamp), and had put it "somewhere".
Lo and behold, I quickly found the old hose and head, and fixed the pump to working order in less than five minutes. 
Now, if only I could figure out what to do with the rest of the crap.

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