Saturday, September 10, 2005

Personal Agendas?

"Jean O'Boyle" <> wrote:
>> They have their own personal agendas for which they dislike the present administration

Sock Puppet replied:
> Yes, I want a government that works for the COMMON GOOD, not to make a few greedy rich people even more wealthy and powerful.

Hey, Sock Puppet, that's MY personal agenda! Keep your grubby hands off of it!

Seriously, can somebody explain what's wrong with having a personal agenda? Are we all supposed to be mindless, thoughtless beings without the ability to have goals and thoughts of our own? (well, yes, if we are Chicago aldermen)

Notice how it's always the people who disagree with you who have personal agendas, never those noble people who agree with you?

How come Bush supporters don't have personal agendas? Surely given the overwhelming success of the Bush administration's fiscal policies they can afford them, can't they?

Many of us spend a lot of time in meetings called by and led by people without personal agendas. These are called useless meetings. Without a leader and an agenda there is mostly flailing and puffery. (Wait. That's our Iraq policy. Now I understand!)