Tuesday, May 11, 2004

All brothers under the skin: Mother's Day edition

Sunday, May 9, 7 a.m.:  I drove our minivan to the supermarket. Ahead of me in the
parking lot was another man in a old minivan. I noticed we had opposing
bumper stickers.

His: Bush-Cheney '04.
Mine: Also a Bush sticker, but "Bush '04: Lies, Damned Lies, and Lies of
Mass Destruction".

Him: bumper sticker for a local, born-again Christian high school
Me: bumper sticker for farther away, liberal Protestant high school

Him: bumper sticker for Wheaton College (conservative Christian college)
Me: bumper sticker for Kalamazoo College (secular, slightly liberal college)

Him: NRA sticker (National Rifle Association)
Me: AYSO sticker (American Youth Soccer Association)

Nevertheless, despite our political differences I followed him into the
store, joined him in throwing a bouquet of flowers into the cart, and in
pawing quickly through the remaining stack of Mother's Day cards until we
each found one that was good enough.  We were not so different after all.

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